
One week big news [ 1.1420-24 ]

Monday(14Day) Thank length Choose Central1.14: In democratic progressive party temporary hold meeting for today unanimously elect the president to join to choose person thank length Ting take the charge of chairman agency. Will take the post of chairman Democratic Progressive Party in 16 days thank length Ting expression, in the future, party department and election home office join one, personnel matters is younger in average age, choose take charge of commander in chief by him, undertake all responsibilities; He also puts forward " choose 3 war principles " , does not buy ticket , does not arouse people to be pure , does not provoke clan crowd oppositions. Malawi and Establish African Malawi and Taiwan14Day each of all sides Chinese14Day the news of issuing12Month28Day already signs establishing diplomatic relations in Beijing communique, decide to recognize and establish ambassador level diplomatic relation mutually. Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs pawns night to formally announce with Malawi break off relationship at the same time, also announce that have stoped all aid plans. Malawian Foreign Minister Qiao Yi Si-Class reaches , confirm on42The diplomatic Tuesday(15Day) NationalStart temporary Approve1Month15Day national development reform member has(Following), have stipulated to carry out "method" stipulates , this temporary price(Or)Adjusting price report kind scope is processed grain and grain product, edible vegetable oil, pork and ox mutton and the important merchandises such as its product, milk, egg and liquefied petroleum gas mainly. Http: / /news.sina.com.cn/c/2008-01-16/154114757626.shtml Indian Premier Road is thorough: Indian Premier Singh shows Tuesday during visiting China , seeks and China when the cooperative opportunity on the source of nuclear energy. The Asian country of Singh that visits China this time to aim at breaking through this two recently quick prominent emergences of China and India do not trust mutual, and deepen mutual business relation. Common interests The Wall Street Journal: Is leting China and India this for the common stand of opposition environmental sanction and the demand of energy for old enemy goes arrive is a, both sides express that will enlarge the cooperation of each other in trading and other field. Is leting China and India this for the common stand of opposition environmental sanction and the demand of energy for old enemy goes arrive is a. Http: / /chinese.wsj.com/gb/20080116/bch103435.asp? Source=rss Wednesday(16Day) In the century member Xinhua1Month16Daily says , just in is closed century member twice plenary " make clear to point out ", " strictly forbid the cadre of party member to use post go up convenient get the message of inside story to carry out stock trade. " and will " cooperate with relevant division system to decide the specific stipulation of Party and government of leading cadre bond investment behavior. " The industrial and New China1Month16Day(Reporter)The General16Issue circulation field120Have in group105Group child toy15Organize child toy inner87.5%. The General Administration for Industry and Commerce has still exposed a batch of nonconformity child toy. These nonconformity child toys are: River door cooperates with the toy manufacturer production of limited company "HTTOYS" brand universal water gun , Shan first city Cheng-Hai-Qu-Lai-Wu beautiful livelihood the inertia vehicle toy of technology toy factory production , Shan first city clear sea district the good mood toy limited company of plastic cement production " develop very " brand Sino-British bilingual child early religion machine , Cheng Hai Qu broad benefit pine reaches toy factory production "HONG JIA" brand plastic toy , Shan first Http: / /news.sina.com.cn/c/2008-01-16/152414757478.shtml Commander of Pacific Beautiful aircraft U.S. Army commander of home15Day morning when the American meeting room of embassy in China of office of information to China and foreign countries media introduction he visits China the part that obtains accomplishment. Base Ting expression. U.S. Army pays attention to liberation army in the research and development in the aspect of long-range cruise missile and ballistic missile very much , turns over satellite technology and its use, large scale water surface the regional blockades such as warship and submarine the development situation of weapon. Base Ting say on the reporter meeting11Month23Day" little hawk number" aircraft carrier could not anchor the incident of the waters of Hong Kong, base Ting name, he for the future beautiful warship obtains approval to anchor Hong Kong, feel optimistic and have confidence. On the other hand, base11Month and Chinese warship Thursday(17Day) CNNIC: Chinese2.1100 " network music" 1Month17Japan, ChineseCNNIC) issue21Chinese interconnection network development situation statistical report ", report shows that the internet application of Chinese netizen first selection has occured transfer, it is that amusement has become the utilization rate of the most important network application and former 7 kinds of network application of Chinese internet to sort: Network music(86.6%)>Communicate81.4%)>Network76.9%)>Network73.6%)>Search72.4%)>Network59.3%)>E-mail(56.5%), the rankings such as the network94.2%The amusement function730010 thousand increasesCNDomain200720 thousand Http: / /www.caijing.com.cn/cjkxx/cjkx/2008-01-17/45630.shtml It is Dutch: The Road1Month17Day news, in this Thursday, Dutch Hague has carried Http: / /cn.reuters.com/article/europeNews/idCNChina-509720080118? FeedType=RSS%26feedName=europeNews%26sp=true Friday(18Day) 837Batch nonconformity " fragrance Beijing1.18: National18Day2007Year10Month11Month is possessed into837Batch " nonconformity foreign goods19Kind problem foreign goods are concerned12Kind. Http: / /news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2008-01/20/content_7455212.htm People adjusts: Only33.2% Central society:1Month20Day strides forward 8th ruling18Together, the newest people33.2%, to come in ruling The retrospect2001When on year, taking the charge67.9%.2002Handling the anti-terrorism71.3%, it is also that Bush assumes 2003From year, the administration2003Year59.6%2004Year50.2%2005Year45.7%2006Year37.3%2007Year33.3%. With modern age America the president compares Saturday(19Day) Indonesian the97Person Common1Month19According to19Give news on day to claim8In year, male child dies in bird97Person, it is7The symptoms18Cure invalid death on day. It is said Sunday(20Day) The British British20Day finishes in the morning to visit China , leave Shanghai to go to New Delhi. It is visited that Brown arrives Beijing Friday to carry out short period , aim at driving forward the trade with China, China is the major economic body that whole world increases most quickly. British prime minister Brown and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao have made optimistic prospect Friday for the economic cooperative prospect of two countries , and are the trade of both sides and investing in cooperation have established goal. The central hundred In broad1Month20Day news:5For year, the various1,005.48100 million5Year2.56Time,2007Year285100 million2002Increase1.17Time. Now has formed central government Kampuchean police Http: / /news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/simp/hi/newsid_7190000/newsid_7198700/7198774.stm One week accident( Sichuan Chong2Die1Injure Metropolis1.13:11It10:30Control, Chong7Group occurs violent explosion. Explosion nearly will a courtyard house instant makes the land level. Reporter knows , this preliminary doubt is personal store up the courtyard explosion accident of fireworks firecracker to kill in an explosion on the spot1Person2Well-known seriously12Day afternoon,2Person1Person devastates Http: / /news.sina.com.cn/c/p/2008-01-13/082614731060.shtml As soon as female Guangzhou1.17:1Month13Japan, in Anhui Wu lake railway station, the 3 Anhui foreign language institute big students of Normal University calmness has been squeezed platform in crowded stream of people, having been still sunk to be in time to stop steady train runs over and kills on the spot. Http: / /news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2008-01/17/content_7436236.htm Jiangxi7Person Jiangxi lead mountain14Day finishes , accident12Day after7Well-known14Day before dawn their corpse had been found completely. Screw and the family members of 7 sacrificial miners Wu the owner of coal mine has signed the agreement compensated , each family members obtain to stand a loss3610 thousand Http: / /www.stnn.cc/society_focus/200801/t20080114_712598.html Tianjin Ji county7Have sacrificial New1.19Day: Reporter knows from Tianjin Ji7Have sacrificial4Person1Person13Day920Divide , the 500 white ravine8Between11Person1Person Http: / /www.chinanews.com.cn/sh/news/2008/01-19/1139267.shtml Wenzhou family5Die4Devastate In broad1Month20Day news, in the morning, Wenzhou city1Domestic knitting31Person,5Person dies in sending4Person devastates. Scene Http: / /news.sina.com.cn/c/2008-01-20/162714785759.shtml Hebei Luan city6Die1Injure New China1Month20Day1Month20Day11Allow , the Hebei province county of6Person1Person is injured. According to the local department preliminary investigation of public security, this fireworks firecracker produces dark den to belong to mobility quality , explosion accident is criminal case. Http: / /news.sina.com.cn/c/2008-01-20/175314785961.shtml
