Western liberalism< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
As if the active force on physics and reaction is the same, human civilized evolution also has inner active force and reaction, this is the civilized tension between animal and the inner human nature in the process of developing to enter. What human nature is asked is that mankind can control own desire constantly, reach to surmount general animal is from the survival state controled , and then form certain humanity order, promote to be civilized and forward to develop , specific, it is the morals of mankind; Animal a kind of reaction of being for human nature, it asks to maintain the wild nature of human original , makes own desire get stark naked display , eliminates subsequently the humanity feature that those mankinds form voluntarily in the process of moving towards civilization , specific, it is the human rights that melt besides various desires.
Have gained superior position if saying the early human nature of human society words, have so gone to modern times human society return ape trend move towards strong tendency increasingly, its expression form is western liberalism ideological trend in world scope overflow, the especially modern times development of the free market economy in capitalist society is to add fuel to the flames for the overflow of this kind of liberalism ideological trend.
It is this kind of to promote the Europe of human increasing degeneration that liberalism ideological trend produces in modern age, this is inevitable! Before A.D. 5 century, most of European regions are still in original uncivilized state, but they have accepted the rational doctrine culture from ancient Greece completely. Rational doctrine cultural and that European of ancient Greece that has not still gotten to tame inner various original desire the miscellaneous modern times liberalism ideas joined , civilization that has broken through Christianity and that confines and gives mankind subsequently has brought crushing disaster!
The soul of those Europeans has not been still substantiated when accepting ancient Greek culture via self-improvement and. Though afterwards, there is the domestication of Christianity, but they have corroded it with the reason of ancient Greece. Have been modern ageTheir soul wears the coat of a kind of reason , the desire of various individuals outside melt is a kind of universal rightful right, they no matter the desire of this kind of individual can bring negative role to the existence of social whole, ask that one of law breakthrough is legal to confine , maintenance is stark naked to spread.
The reason of ancient Greece not only lets those desires wear the coat of rationalization , still satisfies the demand of these desires through various shrewd tiny science and technology, subsequently, the indulgence of human desire and the indulgence that has promoted human desire have brought the overall depraved and survival crisis of human society.
What western liberalism ideological trend bring mankind is the disintegration of society , human nature disappear and civilization is uncivilized as melting , what it reflects is that mankind a kind of return ape trend. Mankind continued trend civilization, must carry out ruthless criticism for the liberalism ideological trend of overflow , expose its morals society where spreads the essence of animal and lets people return to that to mould graceful human nature subsequently, build again Gou our beautiful spiritual home!