
Sincerely hope that as soon as possible reconstruction of disaster areas in Sichuan

Sichuan earthquake should not be damned so many innocent people.

Turn on the TV, on to the network, Yingru eye of the earthquake in Sichuan Province are on the relevant news, a picture of the disaster Cuirenleixia, Premier Wen Jiabao to see countries in the disaster scene crying, his grief and tears Let those present at the more sad that many people are put into relief and rescue them!

In fact, this earthquake is 7.8, is also quite serious, but why no warning Seismological Bureau of Sichuan? » Why 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami tragedy staged in China » However, due to earthquakes are caused by the tsunami in Southeast Asia are also many countries did not pay attention, that is generally only a small earthquake, which leads to casualties so many people!

The concern now Dajiadumang the movements of relief, we simply do not have to explore, in the end who is a dereliction of duty caused such a big accident? » Natural disasters are inevitable, but humans can be predicted through technical means to minimize the ravages of natural disasters in the reduction of casualties loss!

To see those people buried under the ruins, and some students are classrooms, and some colleagues are on the office of the classes, some hospitals Pai Zhaodui are working! The 2:28 pm, is relatively concentrated in the people of the time indoors, with no signs, which leads to such a casualty! Many people were buried alive!

Even Hong Kong, China and other neighboring countries can feel that China was felt, that the intensity of the earthquake, the breadth of coverage, the harm caused by the large it is difficult to estimate!

Following is the excuse that experts can not predict the earthquake of reasons: the Wenchuan County in Sichuan's major earthquake, many people will doubt that such a large earthquake before why are not scheduled to » Earthquake prediction is able to do »


Eurozone interest rates%

Since last June, the euro zone interest rates remained at 4 per cent of the six-year high level. Prevent the economy out of recession and inflation rose to the purpose, the European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank of England (BOE), held in August in the interest of both you and announced to leave interest rates unchanged. ECB rate cut or question the second half of last year in June, the euro zone interest rates remained at 4 per cent of the six-year high level. Although the Fed on April 30 announced that once again lowered interest rates, but the European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said the central bank also has its own responsibility, the European Central Bank will continue to adhere to price stability policy. "Curbing inflation is still the European Central Bank monetary policy the primary objective," said Jean-Claude Trichet, the European Central Bank to both economic and monetary analysis to formulate monetary policy strategy has the support of two-help stabilize inflation expectations, the euro zone's inflation pressure Smaller than the United States. In inflation, estimated Eurostat, the euro zone in April's inflation rate will slow to 3.3 percent, but short-term inflation rate will remain significantly higher than the European Central Bank to maintain price stability and set the 2% of the "warning line . " Eurozone inflation rate in March rose to 3.6 percent of the record high. In terms of economic growth, the European Commission has forecast inflation to rise, the U.S. economic slowdown and high oil prices affect the EU in 2008 will slow economic growth, in 2009 or further weakening of the euro zone is expected to 15 countries in 2008 economic growth Or 1.7 percent, in February than the expected reduction of one percentage point. In addition, on the 7th released by the euro zone in March retail sales unexpectedly fell 0.4 percent, also indicates the euro zone economic recovery is still facing pressure. But according to the European Central Bank's statistics, the current stability in the euro zone's monetary policy as well. In addition to good employment situation, the euro zone the first quarter of credit growth remained at over 10 per cent, investment and credit is still active. Therefore the European Central Bank will continue to maintain the current policy of price stability, together with other central banks need to ensure financial market liquidity. Analysts expect the inflation pressure has eased, the European Central Bank lowered interest rates tend to be, but this situation have to appear before the second half of this year. BOE rate cut is still the possibility of rising inflation curbing the Bank of England rate cut action. Bank of England still maintain the five percent benchmark interest rates unchanged. According to opinion polls and Citibank survey shows that in April the British public's inflation is expected to reach record high of 3.8 percent, much higher than the Bank of England's 2 percent target rate of inflation. March this year, the British consumer prices rose 2.5 percent. UK Retail Federation announced on the 7th of the data shows that in April than the same period last year food prices rose 4.7 percent, than in March rose 0.6 percent. But the British economy has clear signs of slowing down. 1-3 in the British economic growth of 0.4 percent quarter-over-quarter growth than the same period last year grew by 2.5 percent in 2005 to the lowest level since. In addition, the United Kingdom in April over a year earlier, housing prices fell 0.9 percent while the Confederation of British Industry According to the data provided, the United Kingdom in April retail sales in November 2005 fell to the lowest level since. However, analysts pointed out that the Bank of England rate cut further the possibility still exists. With the real estate market downturn and further financial market liquidity, tensions continued, relevant agencies have lowered the British economic growth is expected. Confederation of British Industry will be 2008 British economic growth expected from two percent down to 1.8 percent, and forecast 2009 growth rate of 1.7 percent. And on the 7th of Britain announced in March manufacturing data accident the same period last year fell 0.5 percent, marking six months, the biggest drop since. Slower economic growth will undoubtedly increase the possibility of central bank rate cut, some market participants expected, in June this year the British benchmark interest rates may be further lowered by 25 basis points to 4.75 percent by year's end, will be lowered to 4%

Cancer in developed countries has become one of the major causes of death2

Cancer is cancer, a disease. It is by controlling cell growth and proliferation mechanism of disorders caused by [1]. Apart from the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, but also partially penetrated the surrounding normal tissue (infiltration, invasion) and even through the circulatory system or in the lymphatic system shifted to the other part of the body (long-distance transfers, metastasis). There are many types of cancer, and the severity of the disease depends on the location of the cancer cell growth and the degree of vicious, and whether there has been a long-range transfer. According to the doctors can check the Huotizuzhi biopsy (biopsy) or by operation in the organization, or even biological markers (biomarker) in a diagnosis. Most of cancer according to their type, in which the location and development stage can be treated and even cured. Once diagnosed, the cancer usually with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy approach to treatment. With the progress of scientific research, the development of many specific types of cancer drugs, but also enhance the effectiveness of treatment. If the cancer untreated, is usually the end result will lead to death. Sustained growth of cancer cells without external control message may be the deactivation of the original cancer gene was activated, the cancer cells to import state, but mainly because the number of cell division and control the abnormal protein. Led to this situation, we may be the protein encoded by the DNA mutations and there were damaged, rendering the protein out of there so wrong. To a normal cell into a cancer cell mutation occurred in many needs, or the gene for the protein renders the process was interfered with. Gene mutation caused the material known as carcinogenic substances, and its genetic damage caused by the way can be divided into physical and chemical carcinogens and carcinogens. Such as contact with radioactive substances, or some environmental factor, such as cigarettes, radiation, alcohol. Some viruses can insert their own genes in the cells of genes, gene activation of carcinogens. But natural mutations would have, so even if the cancer to avoid contact with the above-mentioned factors, are still unable to completely prevent cancer from arising. A mutation in the germ cells may spread to the next generation. All ages who may have cancer, because of DNA damage with age and the cumulative increase in age by the greater the chance of cancer increases. U.S. annual death of five people which is one death from cancer, and the figure in the world is100-350 [2]. Cancer in developed countries has become one of the major causes of death.


Stock and real estate investment funds and other types of investment return

Comments cattle were real estate market in the status quo in the card-telephoto DC has the strongest 10x optical zoom capability, while supporting wide-angle 28 mm and OIS Optical Anti-Shake shooting, with 3-inch 230,000-pixel LCD. Property Tax: Logically property tax levy is essentially Jiefujipin move. However, the property tax against the property market speculation and excessive investment and consumption market is fully into the basic premise, once the market level is not high, the property tax in the fight against speculation and excessive investment and consumption, while also inhibit the normal pattern of the market / High-end consumer, leading to stabilize housing prices in the property market at the same time, a structural surplus, and perhaps one day people suddenly discovered that the market in full transition product, the property market instead of restricting a well-off one of the factors. Full competition in the industry, implementation of corporate real estate distributed welfare system. Customers considerable speculation the Group of public investment to consumption and cost, high-profit sectors to promote enterprise through a number of additional benefits in high-grade commercial housing for ordinary commercial houses and public consumption. Equity funds and real estate, real estate only with the ideal of stored-value function, and because of its support in the price of land was an unlimited increase in / for the continuous decline of characteristics, and the property easier to calculate the magnitude of value, which contains the bubbles of a multi - Ways to the transfer, more investment and the demand for self-occupied property holders are optimistic about the practical significance. At the same time, real estate investment is the main direct beneficiaries of the stock and fund investment, and other species dependent on the return operation, the proceeds of return compared indirectly. Based on lower risk tolerance and awareness, real estate investment and consumption is rising house prices will always driving force.