
One week big news 1.71.13 [ 18 ]


South Korean40Person Include13Well-known

1Month7DaySouth Korean sharp40Person13Well-known12Japan, the sacrificialKOREAFreezing " aspect reaches2.4Han Yuan of196.710 thousand ),5Must Han Yuan)

Hubei city

7Day afternoon, a company's manager Wei Wen Hua of Hubei province day retail sales sees when passing a village that city management and village people occur conflict , takes pictures with mobile phone. 230 city managements surround will he Bao dozen is lethal. In the same day, the conflict of and village people still causes city management5Well-known

The State Council: For

The State Council Monday issues the notice about promoting thrift to gather land , will solicit for seting aside land, especially the idle land of real estate to pay increment price of land , the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources will joint relevant department to firmly grasp research , work out specific method.When2008Year6The end(City)Government will make idle

Http: / /cn.reuters.com/article/chinaNews/idCNChina-436020080107? FeedType=RSS%26feedName=chinaNews


It is said60100 The continent

Taiwan official claims60The aid plan of 1002006YearGDP3/4. " we can devote full attention to increase , help ," this official shows. " but we can not take such with great quantity. " Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jie Chi evasion about the interview of this problem.

Http: / /cn.reuters.com/article/chinaNews/idCNChina-444620080108? FeedType=RSS%26feedName=chinaNews

Wednesday(9Day) Chinese frozen energy New York1.1: Facing the public, it is increased for inflation to feel anxious , Premier Wen Jiabao announces in Wednesday that even if international crude price rises continuously, China will still freeze energy price in near future. For the freeze of energy price, it is to announce , on the website of government after Premier Wen upholds to convene the routine meeting of the State Council about studying disposition to maintain price steady work. However this artificial adjustment has not attempted to solve the prime cause of inflation - - under the domestic economic overheat situation that drops behind demand is for the control of artificial RMB exchange rate. After new decree promulgation, the product of crude oil, natural gas and the price of electric power can keep steady in near future. It can keep steady that additionally, water consuming and public traffic expense uses. Http: / /www.my1510.cn/article.php? A3c3fa85a6b7ebfb

Zhengzhou Male2.510 Female610031000

Zhengzhou1.9: Henan province Zhengzhou12Well-known baby. As peddle baby person2Month, some have only few days,2.510 thousand Yuan, female baby sees3My menses12Baby ".

Http: / /news.sohu.com/20080109/n254549429.shtml


Chinese ministries

The Wall1.1: Chinese government is considering the scheme of organization integration , merges related superintendency department , is the ministries and commissions with larger power, so as strive for the change of changing existing organization system to be hard for economic and social demand to make the situation of reaction quickly.

Http: / /chinese.wsj.com/gb/20080110/bch102346.asp? Source=rss

Asia newspaper:3Month government

Http: / /www.atchinese.com/index.php? Option=com_content%26task=view%26id=44504%26Itemid=110

Government changes class

Http: / /cn.reuters.com/article/chinaNews/idCNChina-465120080110? FeedType=RSS%26feedName=chinaNews%26sp=true

It is Japanese

Common1.1: Japanese universal10Day is announced , " moon goddess" have surveied scout month satellite successfully for the stratum under month surface. At the beginning of it is said that this accomplishment is helpful to know to form the development process of soft moon of Zeng Zhi Re.

It is rear that the survey precision of " moon goddess " has exceeded American moon detector "Ke-Lai-Men-Ting", coordination landform to take the observation result of elephant machine , the month surface of making probably the detailed topography picture of whole area.

Http: / /china.kyodo.co.jp/modules/fsStory/index.php? Storyid=52488%26sel_lang=tchinese


Clear newspaper: West plentiful

Clear1.12: Since reporter negative report4Day enters capital Ju biography11

11th, nation-wide notes Xie representative Han6Year7The record10Makes them feel that the

Http: / /hk.news.yahoo.com/080111/12/2mwv4.html

Last year,5010 thousand10The

In new1Month11DayElectricity The State Council installs member meeting vice-director and superintendency director of national security of general bureau Li Yi Zhong reveal on the nation-wide meeting of safety in production of video telephone held today in the afternoon:2007In year, China506.376, die101.48Person, same19.3%And10.1%.

Http: / /news.sina.com.cn/c/2008-01-11/153813242239s.shtml

Rescue Nu work quilt3Person

Http: / /www.nanfangdaily.com.cn/southnews/jwxy/200801110561.asp


Committee member elects

Legislative113Seat, Chinese81Seat, democratic27Seat, other political5Seat. The seat of Kuomintang in legislative courtyard has exceeded 2/3 , has gotten the victory of overwhelmingness. Chairman Democratic Progressive Party and the president Chen Shui-Bian resign chairman party.

Kuomintang upright member

Http: / /cn.reuters.com/article/wtNews/idCNChina-473120080113? Sp=true

Lu Zhen Xiang of good

Http: / /fuluzhenxiang.spaces.live.com/blog/cns! EE95D585FAC4156E! 1971.entry


Indian Will meet

Indian Premier Singh arrives China Sunday , begins the visit lasted 3 days , alleviates the mutual distrust caused because of long-term border dispute , at the same time strengthens the exchange of economy and trade to strengthen the confidence of each other.

Http: / /cn.reuters.com/article/chinaNews/idCNChina-473520080113? FeedType=RSS%26feedName=chinaNews

The train

The transport1Month23DayTo3Month2DayFinish. Because11Day( contain13Can buy first23Day) ticket.

The disaster

Anhui nest3Die2Injure

Anhui province1Month8DayOccur explosion,3Person2Person10Between many,

Http: / /news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2008-01/09/content_7392880.htm

Sichuan reaches5Person

10Day reaches state city Kai5Well-known

Http: / /www.chinanews.com.cn/sh/news/2008/01-12/1131906.shtml

As soon as Jiangxi7Person Have6Person

Jiangxi lead12Day occurs7Well-known13Day has6The corpse of1Well-known

Http: / /news.hexun.com/2008-01-13/102825126.html

It has been caused5Die33Injure

1Month13DayDawn3, Kunming cloud day melts the internationalization13Day21, accident5Person33Person2Person

Http: / /news.xinhuanet.com/photo/2008-01/13/content_7414934.htm
