
It is shallow to discuss the changes of wages and price

Wages and price are a very complex very huge problems, elementary introduction can only be also general and is talked about. I am not special scholar expert, I is general talk can only be also to hang a leakage 10 thousand to be not as good as one of which.

First from Mao Zedong the wages of the 8 pieces of ocean that is librarian say. Mao Zedong introduces by Li Da Zhao, is library keeper in Beijing university, monthly salary is 8 pieces of ocean. This 8 pieces ocean can buy what thing at that time? If buying flour, as Han Su Ying composes the introduction of < > of morning, may buy 50 bags of flour. Han Su Ying has not spoken a bag of flour, have the multiple information but seen afterwards, the standard package of flour a bag of is 50 Jins, rice is 200 Jins. It is merely current to do not carry out such package. Mao Zedong makes social investigation in those years in growing the railway worker of Xin Dian, the wages of workers are not calculated well, because there is technology and no technology, discrepancy is great , may reach few times and general bitter forces, can also earn a many money in one month. But it is ocean or paper money that Han Su Ying has not spoken this piece many money. But a problem need not be doubted , is to be able to support self, may even support household. At that time, general household, the living cost of one month is a ocean probably. So Mao Zedong the 8 pieces of ocean monthly salary of same year is not a decimal eye really, it is frequently rich to be able to have a non time. As to professors, that wages also have difference, many may take 2300 pieces of current ocean, lose also have more than 100. This is astronomical figure in other words.

Smell one is in middle of 30 decade , will instruct in Peking University, his wages may let one of his a every child in little building and home ask a housekeeper special taking care , still have special cook additionally to do meal , are the life of millionaire in other words. The frequently fragrant jade of this time has become famous performance artist , her income of one month is 8 pieces of ocean, a ocean can support family. This time, the grandfather of me, a a laborer that goes to Wuhan from Henan countryside to seek a livelihood( the France of shouting of today, same year no this kind of difference), pawn waiter in a hotel , is to be in charge of specially the attendant that burns water to send tea , have become afterwards the cook who does cooked wheaten food , the wages of one month may support a 5 homes, send two big children into school to study, in let household live in Wuhan city relative a little high-grade residential area. Notice is relative a little high-grade residential area. Is this what meaning? All may see such a word inside some books , call shanty town. Actually in shanty town, also divide grade, some is very bad really, is put up with reed mat. The place that we live in is more high-grade in shanty town, on the Chinese old side of railway station, at the time of the Cultural Revolution, call one of public security village. Our landlord is a carpenter , is ill and dead at the beginning of liberation. That house can live in 6 or 7 household person. With now, have become modern building. At this time, my grandmother is a housewife that has not worked , sometimes helping household do is the guarantor Mu wash clothing gang to mend one is family. In a winter before war against aggression, my grandmother gang same family has washed the clothing of 3 or 4 months, she has hit a pair of golden earrings with the remuneration gotten for self , has the weight of eight point allegedly, but eight point is amount , is also what unit, it is clear that I also do. This for earrings when war against aggression changes have become grain to help meet an urgent need , at this time, grain is valuable, the hard grain of changing of former some annual 3 or 4 monthses can only let same family eat half many monthes. But ask friends notice , must not think how the lower levels of the Republic of China of period are rich as the life of common people is. That is upheaval times, common people have come out to exercise, have earned a little money people are accustomed to change them into ocean or gold reply famine and chaos caused by war. According to my grandmother recollections, it is of more than 20 years that my grandfather goes to Wuhan from 17 years old to seek a livelihood until 1949, we a have pieced together 52 next golds probably altogether. These golds afterwards when the economic collapse time difference of the Republic of China seldom vanishes completely.

Also is at this time, it has a lonely old man in Shanghai , lives in a little loft , has no life source , relies on his student help only. Now and a surname that he lives in together in a building Pan weaving woman worker, see him to pity , also help his point from time to time. This old man studies 5 rich vehicles , lets this young weaving woman worker empty very quickly. Two persons have cohabited , since then this one Pan the burden of woman worker takes two persons have living expenses. Until one day, the policeman of Kuomintang comes to grab this old man , she just knows that is this to call Chen Du Xiu by the respectful old man of person. After Chen Du Xiu has entered prison house, Ms Pan still dresses up self, have to see him beautifully. Let the spies who guard prison have seen to sigh for watch to stop. After war against aggression is broken out , Chen Du Xiu is released from prison , Ms Pan always accompanies in the side of Chen Du Xiu, up to him when Sichuan river saliva end old. There are how many wages in one month as a weaving woman worker, we are not clear , but there is point to be affirmed, bearing medical cost and the living expenses of two persons in Shanghai have no problem, then Chen Du Xiu body has not been very good, occasionally, can go to hospital.

These Wuhan Shanghai places are now more developed region , are also advanced region in 30 decade , are another scene in the large countryside of midwest. Before saying countryside, we are necessary to know a social phenomenon. This kind of phenomenon now has , also has in the past , will not also change in the future. In developed region and the growth good region of commodity economy, industrial goods is cheap, agricultural product will be a little bit more expensive relatively, and in backward region, industrial goods is expensive , and has cheap agricultural product. Is before liberation , the midwest countryside of China, especially some remote regions, there, economy is still naturally economic state basically. In being naturally economic as being self-sufficient , it is more easy that no calamity chaos caused by war feeds person to be full , but to have further improvement however being very difficult, a some kerosene lamp is luxurious. When the Cultural Revolution, our teaching material is spoken , capitalist and businessman bully the poor of countryside , have changed a chicken of household with a needle. Afterwards, I know through investigating that this kind of matter is true , but is reasonable. Because traffic is inconvenient, the products foundation of mountain area transports do not come out , outside industrial goods is also hard to transport to go in, basic is one secludes from the world state. In the beginning of 90 decade, position colleague returns the chicken to his for a long time other Guizhou hometown, a remote village and there, one sells the RMB of one yuan.

War against aggression is former, the soldier of Kuomintang central army, the living cost of one month is the law currency of 6 yuan. It pork price, nation-wide every place is different, approximate when two angles go to triangle around, rice surface the price of these staples also stabilizes relatively, price is also low. The law currency of 6 Yuan may live good. At this time, the monthly salary of a company commander of first lieutenant is the law currency of 48 Yuan probably, a colonel head of a delegation has the points more than 100, the teacher of major general has 240 to 280 law currency , it is 280 to 360 that General Zhong grows general commander officer, or it is again many. And the military soldier's pay of less known brand is compared for difference , is few, a soldier board expense of one month has only the law currency of 3 Yuan, many is also the law currency of 5 Yuan at most , the condition owed salary is also compared. The salary of officer will be also few more some than central army , is basically that central army is minimum in level officer to wait. After war against aggression is broken out , up to the 44 years of 1943 years, what the vegetable gold per month of Kuomintang soldier is still 6 Yuan and difference is grain another idea , happen directly by central government. At this time, it has to be severe because of price rising, the vegetable gold of 6 Yuan has eaten do not go to what thing, it is very poverty-stricken that army lives , it is very many that armed forces do business to maintain the phenomenon of life.

It can support the record of in one month such same family if we may see one yuan claimed on many information. It has us among this to make it clear that , this one supports is very low level, possibility is to let same family eat to be full just only, no education also has no medical care, and this piece money are ocean , are not law currency. Is before 40 decade , the silver dollar in Chinese circulation does not be Chinese own publication , except Yuan Da Tou of China, grandson still has the Spain of Japan besides head, is British, etc. confuse relatively, paper money is also so. The paper money that foreign bank sends however comparison has long quited Chinese market, after 27 years, have retreated basically. Have arrived after 48 years , is another matter.

49 years after, is in 50 decade , the wages of worker basic is still continuing the system of the Republic of China of period. Price rises in many two years of one year that the republic just sets up relatively severe, price is also confused, but after coming down steadily, social price system has recovered the state before liberation basically. In the few years after this, the common people of town have been a good times, how time of the peasant of countryside not quite knows. Until also still keeping in 1958, but afterwards, do not be all right. Nationwide economic difficulty, countryside famishes the matter of person regular occur. Guangzhou because is the city of a many and outside contacts, city resident 90% has overseas relation, have adopted some special policies in Guangzhou central government. The street of Guangzhou can be still obtainable to burn goose, price is the RMB of 83 Yuan is a Jin of, return Wei high-grade cake, it is some refreshments, it is crisp that quality is still not as good as current little peach that street little shop sells and that laborer can only just eat. Not use food coupon, approximate is 7 or 8 pieces of Yuan a money. At this time, the monthly salary of a 5 level works of Guangzhou is the first RMBs more than 60. At that time, the person who can eat these things is the person who has overseas remittance in home. At this kind of time, discuss that meat vegetable price on market has had no meaning, because basic have price to have no city.

I has picked up in the purchase station of wasted product a diary that high school student writes for 59 years , that is the history of common people of juice original taste , had been done unfortunately in moving to lose , very unfortunately, reprint otherwise today some of common peoples who let all see same year true life does not be meaningful.

After having boiled this hard time, economy recovers , price is also returned to normal state. Is before the Cultural Revolution , Guangzhou business goes up , a bowl livelihood rolls meat gruel only a angle money, temperature goose also only two Yuan is many, it is abundant to not also compare to the supply of pork and appearance of 3 Yuan. The Cultural Revolution , when town, worker wages are become by minute into 8 levels, 8 levels are highest, but I have not heard of in Guangzhou, have to exceed 5 levels , it is clear that north city has. Cadre has been divided 24 levels , highest is first class. Allegedly in those years , there are only two persons to enjoy first class wages in whole country, a China Luo Geng, another is money study Sen. Mao Zedong is 2 levels or 4 levels, it is not very clear to do. Allegedly after Wang Hong Wen comes up , he goes to the in one month 48 pieces of own wages liter of the 3 level works of 5 and lets Mao Zedong give high as Chairman Mao, have cursed to know. At that time, nation-wide wages have been divided so many etc., it is simple to see to seem , actually, it is very complex. Do not travel together field, different, different region is also different. In Guangzhou, the monthly salary of a 5 level works is the 5 of 68 Yuan, a level work is the 5 of 36 Yuan. I in the worker cadre that contacts with at that time the most person one month is around 48 Yuan.

During the Cultural Revolution, the 3 level rices of Guangzhou are 61 Jins of a angle four point, first class rice is 61 Jins of a angle, but I have never seen first class rice in Guangzhou. Green vegetables general is the money of four point are a Jin of, however half is meshed old can not eat , pork is a Yuan is a Jin of. It is outside that these things not use ticket except green vegetables, others are wanted rely on ticket. Guangzhou citizen habit calls food coupon to make "steel" buy clothing to buy cloth want cloth ticket. The place in Guangzhou, single vehicle general when 140 Yuan goes to 170 Yuan around, watch, 120 Yuan controls. Buy these things in Guangzhou to not use ticket , still want the ticket of industrial goods in some cities of north. The distribution of food coupon also is basis profession, age, sex comes to decide. Normally, again physical type of work has the worker of 378 Jins and light industry in one month, male when 31 Jins goes to 28 Jins half between. As soon as pupil adds in long year, a Jin of, highest 23 Jins is half. Middle school student has appearance of 245, office cadre is 26, 27 Jins of half appearance. In those years, the monthly quota of food of domestic father is 27 Jins. It is a Jin of that meat does not divide big and small a persons, oil is half Jin. The tuition book a semester of primary school that costs thinks over is 5 Yuan, middle school is 7 Yuan. A ordinary shirt is 10 Yuan probably. My breakfast eats 1 or 2 pearl intestines powder, the money of four point 1 or 2 adds food coupon. Have not already given birth at this time on street to roll meat gruel temperature the things such as goose have sold , good-bye goes to these things have been the matter after reforming and opening up.

Now as people, know only that process capital, but it is not rare odd matter to reduce wages in times of that revolution. Domestic mother is before the Cultural Revolution , is the first RMBs more than 90 in one month , has reduced twice , has only the 5 of 72 Yuan until 70 decade , this compares the old superior of high, my father still in then, have reduced do not know how many times, from one monthes more than 200, reducing have gone to 1670. Director of my mother, a old expert, since more than 180 reduce arrive more than 130. In those years, this lets to reduce salary help to make revolution.

Town is reducing salary , the condition of countryside is 1000 bad 10 thousands are other. In 70 decade, nearby Guangzhou city, it has the brigade in 3 Yuan, is that the Opium War since resist Britain the town in famous 3 Yuan. A general vegetable grower of there may take in 70 Yuan in one month. They grow vegetable, the old of meshed give country to take to town buy , it is good, fresh reserve by oneself to free market to buy. Have gone to old Guangzhou of 50 years old person metropolis remembers new city free market. There, what thing has , chicken duck flesh of fish has everything also not use ticket, green vegetables is fresh , is that price will be higher in one time than state-run market around only, otherwise, they how to so make money.

In Guangzhou, the nearby income of vegetable grower is high, in the countryside of far point otherwise. Some more rich regions are also the income around 100 yuan for a year as a peasant. Poor place, a strong labor can not be still supported probably by oneself, will lean country return to sell grain is living. In early stage of reforming and opening up, Guangzhou daily has still reported in Hubei kindness to use region , has 6 women, in the biggest years more than 30, it is minimum of 156 years old , because can not bear poverty and disease, hand pulls to begin to put in the river of hometown commits suicide.
