
Signature clause is altered , may avoid tragedy really

Beijing has made tragedy , has affected the heart of nation-wide common people, for passing , person holds with infinity sympathy. Now, what people say what have , blame Mr Xiao Zhi Jun person has , the criticism doctor cold blood person has , it is the clause of nobody self-criticism signature.

I have also signed word , say that the true, that clause of surgical operation is to let one be terrified really. These clauses are unified by whole country , have also been to use a lot of years , have 30 years at least for that I know , namely the times of Mao Zedong is using these clauses. The content of clause I notes is not quite clear, general idea is still remembered , that thing and spoken parts are a document of life and death , and are to stubbornly refuse to give birth only , undertake the document of all aftermathes by oneself. Can say is world goes up most the overlord clause of overlord. But you must sign kinsfolk surgical operation , having no bargain room.

Surgical operation is a kind of behavior that has risk in medical behavior, it may meet the matter that a lot of people can't anticipate. As patient, should understand the risk in which , and is willing to undertake risk, the doctor just implements cure well for you, otherwise, the risk of that 1% dare not be all undertaken for you. Have got this document of life and death, have whether that is the doctor no responsibility? The current risk clause of surgical operation contain Yi is so. This is not fair obviously, in surgical operation, have made malpractice , have made accident, the responsibility in which should distinguish still Chu, can not a ancient brain push to patient.

Today has entered legal system to melt times , this have used the medical contract of tens of years is not to also revise again together with the legal expert and door of the Ministry of Public Health, let its point of human nature, fair point gives patient one to look into responsibility understanding the space of truth.

Because the treatment of surgical operation has its special risk, it is to not be all right to not sign. However this clause if become fair, human nature, people see such writing, also not as to heart Jing gall bladder trembles , the also favorable harmony between medical trouble.
