
Some impressions and feelings

銆€ 銆€Some impressions


A I portable a bundle of thing, station when stone lion the crossroad side before that big hotel door goes up , time of the day already very late. It is tower to construct , Zha stress Jing the traffic light of flash, many such as the motorcycle of locust. One side is the bonus of neon light, one side is never-ending to be heavy traffic. In this strange city, I have felt the fear of silk one suddenly Ran.

I will nearly curse this city, I stand in roadside , wait for taxi , have not seen the shadow of taxi unexpectedly in whole 40 minutes. With my unit distance at least, there is 20 kilometers of road, end vehicle of bus has had no , if no vehicle, I look can only in this city.

Stone lion is yes disorderly, various vehicles are interweaved on limited road surface. They entangle mutually, motor vehicle and motorcycle as well as manpower tricycle have formed this city the scenery of a other shape.

Time of the day is gradually late, evening of the south of early spring, weather a little cools still Yi. I am cursing the supporting facility of this city at heart in, the time of 40 some minutes in the vehicles such as me, I am at least carried by tens of motorcycles guest person has harassed, they rampant fast stop motorcycle urgently when in front of you , then, hold various accents to speak with you , ask whether you will travel by motor, beginning I still have patient one very much Yi explain with them, afterwards, I have lost patience completely , do not respond them without hesitation.

Have alone allegedly in foreign land for stranger in the person of other places of stone lion job hunting millions of is many, I now just is one in which Yuan. I have felt in this strange city, is lonely, have also felt a kind of have no to help. After death big hotel, it is magnificent, the crossroad vehicle before body comes to turn to go. I feeling has arrived a kind of is funny, why I run have gone to this city is strange, the career of job hunting that has begun self here. Person, at some time, it is unimaginable really.

It is a kind of disaster that the motorcycle of stone lion lets you feel , it is a kind of public hazard. The avenue of these motorcycles in city little lane walks wantonly, nearly, the traffic signal of not pipeline surface is to act as own wish completely, this is a kind of very rare traffic phenomenon , can suffer in this respect sooner or later if local government can not take true administration measure. The development of economy actually needs the restriction of regulation more, it is not contradictory between them.

When a person arrives a strange city, only being not familiar, there is still a kind of alert, can not know that in advance because you are true to stop when your side suddenly motorcycle meeting do some what for you.

I have obeied the suggestion of the driver that rubs of a year guest still in despair, he has carried me , grow bus station, there, I have hit taxi at last. That driver that rubs drive vehicle ability really get, he may nearly use wind Chi news pull appearance. When narrow street force fast walk , wind my some that blow shiver. He can't see the signal lamp of crossing just like foundation, let me take being having a kind of heart at the back Jing gall bladder trembles feeling.

Is in this night of stone lion , I feelings has gone to this city is showy, can also experience the impetuousness of this city, can still experience this city those business opportunity that not entered without hole, can experience the coldness of this city more. Do I do not know why stone lion can reserve to the impression as me , are that my city for that self has lived for tens of years has too many love perhaps , or are something else?

At this moment, I sit on the bed of dormitory, window outside already is dim light of night Lan Shan, the sea that can be seen in daytime , until can only see the lights on fishing boats of star point in night, is a kind of very unique feeling , have so left above writing.


