
Labour law makes Taiwan move besides capital to mention speed

Not long ago, latitude wound becomes second home to decide to go to the note-book computer manufacturer of Vietnamese investment, investment tactful emphasis assistance the little factory layout of supply chain, such major worry zero package cooperative factory appears successively because of continent labor salary capital pressure to manage pressure , help supplier to open up another manufacture in advance base, ensure that end supply process is continued and smooth.

Have no have alone Ou, benevolent precious general manager Chen Rui Cong describes the present situation of continent industrial chain recently with angry bored pot, China south divides to manage zero package little factory , have no the barrier factory of advance warning, begin to let note-book computer major acting factory face the financial situation of cooperative factory , begin to help the zero package factory of upper reaches to scatter risk.

Benevolent treasure has bought in Hanoi land investment, at the same time, have invited 15 zero package suppliers to go forward together, wound latitude also estimated meeting when north the more region investment buies land, lie in with benevolent treasure than not identical place , will help cooperative factory to enter and garrison first in initial stage, because of latitude wound when Kun the manufacturers such as mountain and Philippines produce can be sufficient , will personally build the investment of factory building in Vietnam is still evaluating , the transfer of future zero package will be assembled with railway transfer to continent.

Should say that the new labour law of the Chinese enforcement of this year is effective and protective get job the rights and interests of people, however at the same time, should also see that Chinese economy is unbalanced as developing , the economic development of central and west China may not is more advanced than Vietnamese developed region, the fact of new labour law has though protected the rights and interests of employment people, move if therefore, arousing foreign capital, may cause the rising of Chinese unemployment rate very much , may not be helpful for developing center-west region economy.

China is with vast expanse , increases along with the economic drop and reforming and opening up of 30 years, and new labour law is nationwide and legal, suitable scope is not only economic developed region , has covered economic backward region also, for just entering the center-west region of the level of the basic need, it is more crucial to increase the communication intercourse of employment opportunity and enlargement and external world, the labor-intensive enterprise that belongs to coastal region originally moves should be the important means that promote inland economy to develop , after all, the traffic of China is convenient and far to exceed the Southeast Asian development experience of refering to the Haitian district of forward position of 20 years , develops the economic weight in the weight that promotes economic development to be local government first, at least old distant and out of sight think that fall behind relatively for economy region, it may not be the feelings of bad thing to postpone implementing new labour law, a knife the enforcement cut labour law the development of very possible obstruction center-west region.

New labour law enforcement only does not be one month, how last result has yet to now know , as outside move the unceasing increase of enterprise, last influence can just embody probably after wanting some years, whether can shift labor-intensive enterprise to inland will directly influence the development of Chinese entire economy. ( author: Old distant and out of sight)

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